Friday, October 5, 2018

The next upgrade for the USGT FF03

I've had these parts sitting in my toolbox for ages.  The Tamiya parts, not the PJ Masks placemat...

Here's the steel pivot set:

The aluminum ones, with aluminum screws, weighs 1.5g.  Saving a full 2g. 

While we're at it, here's the stock top shaft. 

11.4 g, between the shaft, pin, gear, and o-ring. 

That's not a typo.  3.7 g for the replacement aluminum part.  A 7.7g savings.  

Finally, I swapped a whole lot of steel screws for aluminum.

Aluminum screws weigh half what steel screws do.  So another 6.5g there. 

16.2g came off the car last night.  Most of it high up in the chassis.  I can't say i'm happy with the amount of effort that took, but... It's what needed doing.