Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Puddle ducks, ducking puddles. They sailed! Together even.

There's a whole lot less storytelling here.  These are pictures from the two times we got the ducks in the water this year. 

Cartopping is great, for one boat.

We had an interested onlooker as we rigged Dan's duck.  He's built his own boat.  As we found out later, many, many people who build their own boats sail on the lake here.

The duck, mostly rigged.

If there's a chance, take a photo of the photographer.

And here's Dan, sailing his duck.  

So, my old sail was trash, and had to be... retired.  Here Dan, Betty and I are getting the new sail blank cut out.

A few days later, did the final seaming.

The installation of grommets.  Why grommets?  Because I wanted to lace the sail to the mast instead of trying to get a pocket just right.  It turns out, if you buy a nice grommet set, grommeting goes really nicely.  

Dan can do these magical loops of rope, that look like they came from the factory that way.

Dan's duck, on the borrowed trailer.  Home for the night.  

Both boats fit on the trailer really well, if they stand on end.

Here, we went sailing together, for the first time.

My sail, laid out, ready to go up into my boat.

Here we are, with my sail de-powered for launching.

My new sail works great.  I can sail upwind, downwind, and tack easily.  It needs a bit more downhaul, and perhaps a longer boom, as it's a ~very shapely~ sail. 

I spent some of that evenings boat ride, chasing Dan in his boat. 

That'll come soon.  But... there's going to be a lot of sailing this summer.  And I'm excited.

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